Christmas is a wonderful time to create special memories with your child and the following Christmas Crafts for Kids: Roundup ideas are fun ways to do just that!
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This year my children and I counted down to Christmas by creating a different Christmas craft each day! Now don’t panic and get overwhelmed with me! I tried to keep it simple!
All of these Christmas crafts are geared toward younger kids. My 6-year-old and 3-year-old LOVED these!
In order for a craft to make this list it had to meet several criteria:
- Easy!
- Not too messy or time-consuming
- Require only normal household items (also it cannot be expensive)
- Is not food (Christmas food is great! I just didn’t want to cook desserts/junk food 12 days in a row)
I did not list any age requirements or which steps parents should help with because each parent should decide this based on their own children and their ages.
Also, I wanted to try as often as possible to point my children back to the real meaning of Christmas, which is the birth of Jesus, our Savior. While some of these crafts might be a bit of a stretch looking for something meaningful, there is also nothing wrong with just making a really fun craft!
Click on the title of each craft for supplies, instructions, and how to make each craft meaningful!
12 Days of Christmas Crafts for Kids– Day 1: Make Window Decorations

12 Days of Christmas Crafts for Kids– Day 2: Make a Homemade ornament

12 Days of Christmas Crafts for Kids– Day 3: Make a Drum for Little Drummer Boy

12 Days of Christmas Crafts for Kids– Day 4: Make Christmas Footprint Art

12 Days of Christmas Crafts for Kids– Day 5: Turn your Door into a Snowman

12 Days of Christmas Crafts for Kids– Day 6: Make Popsicle stick Snowflakes

12 Days of Christmas Crafts for Kids– Day 7: Make homemade Christmas Cards

12 Days of Christmas Crafts for Kids– Day 8: DIY Nativity Scene

12 Days of Christmas Crafts for Kids– Day 9: Hanging Paper Ornaments

12 Days of Christmas Crafts for Kids– Day 10: Make a Sock Snowman

12 Days of Christmas Crafts for Kids– Day 11: Paper Plate Christmas Craft

12 Days of Christmas Crafts for Kids Day Twelve: Make an Elf hat
Most of all, remember that you are spending quality time with your children while they are little. Also, they will probably remember sharing these moments with you for years to come.
Which of these 12 Days of Christmas Crafts for Kids: Roundup will your child like best?
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