Did you know that Pistachios make a healthy little treat? Personally, I prefer to buy pistachios in the shell. Cracking open the shells forces me to eat them slowly but at the same time satisfies my urge to munch. Because I enjoy these scrumptious little gems, I discovered I could also put the shells to good use. Thus, DIY Mini Pistachio Christmas Trees were born!!!
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Healthy Pistachios!
If you do just a little bit of homework you will quickly discover that pistachios are actually quite healthy. Eating a handful of pistachios a day provides recommended levels of phenolic anti-oxidants, minerals, vitamins, and protein.
I’ve always thought that the empty pistachio shells would work great in a craft project so recently I started saving them. I store the empty shells in a zip-lock baggie until I am ready to use them.
Use Those Empty Shells!
To make DIY Mini Pistachio Christmas Trees you’ll need a few basic craft supplies: a hot glue gun and glue sticks, styrofoam craft cones, and of course, empty pistachio shells.
A Little Dab of Glue!
It really is super simple to make these cute primitive and rustic Christmas trees. Simply place one drop of hot glue on the smooth outer, (larger end), of the shell. While the glue is hot, quickly attach it to the base of the styrofoam craft cones, (be careful not to get the hot glue on your skin).
Continue to attach the pistachio shells to the styrofoam, making a ring around the entire base. When the first row is finished, start the second row. Try to alternate the tips of the second row of pistachio shells between the two pistachio shells on the bottom row, (think of what a pinecone looks like).
Continue placing row after row of pistachio shells around the styrofoam cone until you have completely covered it and have reached the very top.
Making a Christmas Tree!
Once the hot glue has hardened/cooled, you can easily pull any extra strings of hot glue off of the tree.
For the final touch, hot glue a few pistachio shells to the very top of the trees and strategically place them so that the shells point up and outward. Don’t worry if your pistachio shells are not perfectly placed. The slight variations in the shells will make the trees look rustic and natural.
These trees blend well with all kinds of Christmas decor and took approximately 35 to 45 minutes (each) to construct.
Someone recently thought my DIY Mini Pistachio Christmas Trees look like they are made from wood. What do you think?

DIY arts and crafts bring out the creative side in me. I would like to make another set of trees someday and try spray painting them.
Have fun making your very own DIY Mini Pistachio Christmas Trees!

Merry Christmas!
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