Pomegranate Vinaigrette Poppy Seed Dressing is a must-have recipe for any salad lover! Why? Because not only is it delicious, it’s super quick and super easy to make. It also keeps well in the refrigerator for weeks so you can make it well in advance. Oh, and did I mention that it’s also naturally gluten-free?
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Blend It!
I don’t know about you, but I love, love, love a simple recipe. Especially one where you can throw all the ingredients into a [amazon_textlink asin=’B007UXTLFK’ text=’blender’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’blesbeyocraz-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’7336d1bf-ea6c-4239-9601-59aa69f51b9d’], then blend, and voila! It’s basically done!

Good Old-Fashioned Potato Pancakes is a great example of a blender recipe. Simply throw everything into your blender, then spoon a little of the batter into a hot skillet and fry until the pancakes are nice and golden brown! So easy, quick and yummy!

As you can see, Pomegranate Vinaigrette Poppy Seed Dressing is another great blender recipe. This recipe literally takes a couple of minutes to make and requires only a few ingredients (found below).
- Pomegranate Infused Red Wine Vinegar (I use Pompeian because it’s delicious and naturally gluten-free)
- Canola Oil
- Sugar
- Salt
- Dry Mustard
- Poppy Seeds

The picture above shows what this salad dressing looks like right after blending all the ingredients together. After the dressing sets for a while, the cute teeny tiny bubbles eventually dissipate.

Now, top your favorite salad with this fabulous dressing. (Pictured above is a spinach salad with fresh strawberries, red onion, feta, and candied pecans.)

Side Note:
When making this salad dressing ahead of time, please note that you will need to blend it again right before serving. Rather than using a blender again to remix, I personally use my handheld immersion blender.
A Strawberry Spinach Salad pairs exceptionally well with Pomegranate Vinaigrette Poppy Seed Dressing!
A delicious, easy and naturally gluten-free salad dressing. Place all ingredients (except for the poppy seeds) in a blender. Blend together for 1 minute. Add poppy seeds and blend just until incorporated. Drizzle dressing over salad. Store leftover dressing in a glass jar in the refrigerator.
Pomegranate Vinaigrette Poppy Seed Dressing
What’s your favorite salad dressing recipe?
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