Planning a kid’s birthday party can be stressful, expensive, and rather complicated. However, that need not be the case. These Fun and Easy Pirate Birthday Party Ideas are cute, easy, and inexpensive.
Before my son turned 6 years old he asked me if he could have a pirate-themed birthday party. Absolutely son! Game on!
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Pirate Chest
How could you have a pirate birthday party without a pirate chest full of gold and treasures?
First, my mom purchased a medium-sized pirate chest. She also bought a half-yard of fabric that was black with gold sparkly flecks which she used for a lining inside the chest. It was perfect because it created an illusion that the chest contained gold dust.
Next, she filled the pirate chest with the following:
- several fake gold necklaces
- colorful beaded necklace
- compass
- binoculars
- kids play pirate knife
- fake gold coins
- chocolate candy coins
- a large candy bar wrapped with gold paper to create a ‘gold’ bar
- silver HERSHEY’S Kisses and gold Rolo candy
- a bag of GoldFish crackers wrapped in cloth with a gold ribbon tie
- treasure map
Treasure Map
Mom also made a treasure map from a Hobbit poster. To make it look more authentic she carefully burned the edges and stained the map with wet tea bags. The hot tea both wrinkled and stained the map. Between the burnt edges, tea stains, and wrinkles, the map appeared weathered and aged.
Pirate Loot!
Just look at all of that pirate treasure!!! What kid wouldn’t have fun going through this loot?
Mustache Cookies
“I mustache you a question… would you like a cookie? A mustache cookie?”
Rather than typical cookies, I decided to make mustache cookies and the kids LOVED them! To make them I made a batch of ginger cookie dough and used a mustache cookie cutter.
The Cake
Since my cake baking skills are minimal at best, I thought I could at least make a pirate map cake. This cake is super easy to make and to decorate. I used chocolate chips to make the cannons on the ship in the corner. The jewels surrounding the cake are aquatic rocks that I found in the fish section at Walmart. However, you could also use rock candy.
Eye Patch
Eye patches are also included in our list of fun and easy pirate birthday party ideas and were a huge hit! First, I cut out a circle of black felt. Next, I used white fabric paint to paint a skull and crossbones and hot glued black elastic to the back of the circle.
Binoculars are extremely easy to make! Simply hot glue two empty toilet paper rolls together. BAM! DONE! For the party, I supplied each guest with colored markers so that they could color their binoculars… because what kid doesn’t love scribbling?
Pirate Hook
Again, easy peasy! To make a pirate hook start by poking a hole in a disposable cup. Next, twist a piece of foil into the shape of a hook and insert it into the hole in the cup. The kids also LOVED these!
Mini Pirate Maps
Mini pirate maps were made from ripped up brown grocery bags. Using markers, I carefully made the border around each map and left the “island” blank so the kids could draw their own treasure and maps.
Pirate Ship Watermelon
To make a pirate ship watermelon I used a shish kabob stick and a square chunk of the rind to make a sail, cutting it very thin so it would be flexible. Next, I used a knife to carve the X in it, although a sharpie would have also worked.

Water Guns
Kids always seem to love water, therefore I bought a bunch of inexpensive water guns and put them in buckets of water outside in our back yard. The kids loved having a water gun fight and it went well with the pirate theme!

X Marks the Spot
For the final touch, I used sidewalk chalk to draw a dashed line from the street to our front step, then drew a huge X right by our front door. The day was so busy I forgot to take a picture of this 🙁 But trust me, it was super cute!

Overall, all of these pirate birthday party ideas were much easier than I expected! Each idea was simple and didn’t require a lot of time. However, put them all together and you have an inexpensive, fun, and easy pirate birthday party!
Does your child have an inner pirate?
More fun ideas:

Arnold says