Easter Egg Bunnies are an easy DIY craft that kids of all ages will enjoy creating. These charming little bunnies add a fun element to any Easter decor.
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A few days ago I was in a creative mood, probably because I was thinking about the upcoming Easter weekend. I really wanted to make something quick and easy, yet cute, so Easter Egg Bunnies were born!

- 4 plastic Easter eggs
- 8 small googly wiggle eyes
- 4 long white pipe cleaners
- 4 pieces of craft paper
- 3 cotton balls
- glitter
- 4 (1/4″) pink craft poms
- craft glue or a hot glue gun with glue sticks
First, draw the shape of an ear on pink construction paper and cut it out. Next, use this ear to trace the second ear and cut it out. Make all of the bunny ears by repeating this process.
Next, cut a pipe cleaner just long enough to wrap around the outside edge and glue it in place. (To speed up the process, use a hot glue gun instead of craft glue.)
Smear a small amount of glue in the center of each ear and add a small amount of glitter.
The Easter Egg Bunnies’ feet are made just like the ears. Using scraps of pink paper, cut out tiny little “pads” for the bunny feet and glue on small pieces of cotton balls.
Use a marker and draw lines to highlight “toes” on the feet.
Now comes the fun part. Assembling the bunnies! Attach the bunny ears, feet, and eyes by using a small drop of glue.
A bunny would not be a bunny without a fluffy tail!!! Use half of a cotton ball for each tail, again attaching them with a drop of glue.
The picture above is what bunnies look like without noses. The bunnies are cute just like this, however, you can also add a tiny pink craft pom as a nose.
Here is the completed bunny family. (Noses included!)
I can’t decide if I had more fun making these Easter Egg Bunnies or taking pictures of them.
Fill the Easter Egg Bunnies with candy and watch the kid’s eyes light up when they find them!
Have a hip-pity hoppity Happy Easter!
These cute little bunnies could also work well for baby shower decor too!
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