One thing that I was not expecting when I became a parent was how absolutely hilarious children can be. And it isn’t just my kids. All kids (especially toddlers) really say and do the darnedest things! That’s why I am saving memories with a memory journal.
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Whenever I am talking to my parents or in-laws on the phone, they ask me what funny things my kids have done lately. I am never without something new to share.
Then they respond with something along the lines of, “Oh that’s just great! You really should write that down! They will enjoy reading that when they are an adult.” And I respond with something along the lines of, “Yeah, I should. I’ll write that down next time I pull out the baby books.”Which is once a year!”
There is no way I can keep up with all of the funny or cute things my kids say or do. I’m a mom; which equals busy. Like I need one more thing on my to-do list.
Well, this little problem solved itself last year when my Dad bought a journal for me for my birthday. I’m not sure what he thought I would do with it… I mean really, a journal?? That is not like me.
Like I said… I’m busy. I don’t feel like I have time to sit down and write about my feelings. I would rather read a book. So that beautiful little journal sat and collected dust for a good two weeks.
Precious Moments
Then one day, my adorable little four-year-old asked permission to karate chop his sister. Of course, I told him “No.” But because I thought this was worth sharing, I immediately text my husband and told him about it.
Suddenly, a little voice in my head told me I should write it down, (ironically it sounded like my mother). So I grabbed my new journal and a pen and started writing down everything my children did that made me laugh. If it was something that was worth sharing with others, then it was worth writing down.
I have been using this memory journal for a year now and I have to say, I am proud of myself. I really think that someday this book will be invaluable to my children. There are so many memories written down. Occasionally, my husband and I will sit down and flip through the pages and laugh our heads off!
I do not have a separate book for each child because then I would probably procrastinate and miss some things. Maybe by the time they move out of the house, there will be a device that will magically make copies for all!
Keep it Close!
This journal is on the bookshelf in our living room, so it’s always handy to grab and jot down a few sentences.
Here are a few excerpts:
January 22, 2013: E (1 yrs old) woke me up this morning by shoving a bag of banana chips in my face.
February 3, 2013: C (4 yrs old) was sitting by me on the couch when he lifted his pant leg and said: “Mom, look at my bones, they’re so fat!”
February 5, 2013: C (4) calls it the Rifle Tower instead of the Eiffel Tower.
February 8, 2013: C (4) talking to E(1), “E, someday you will turn into a penguin!”
April 17, 2013: I was sitting at the table with C (4). He said, “Holy sakes Mom! I got two holes!” Then he threw his foot up onto the table and showed me two holes in his sock.
April 23, 2013: C (4) got mad at E (1) and called her a homeless guy.
June 1, 2013: C (4) asked Dad if he was working with pants. We were really confused. Eventually, we realized C was talking about one of Dad’s co-workers named Gene.
June 20, 2013: E pulled a bunch of wipes out of the container and C looked at her and said, “That’s why we can’t be best friends.”
June 21, 2013: We went to a friend’s house for a BBQ. As soon as we walked into the backyard C asked the man “Hey, when did you plant all those weeds in the sandbox?” C was being completely genuine.
These are moments from our children’s childhood that we don’t ever want to forget.
Do you have any thoughts on saving memories with a memory journal?
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