Imagination, exploration, and experimentation seem to come naturally to children. Therefore, you can help your children discover their hidden genius by providing them with a few essential tools. Here are ways to Help Your Child Channel Their Inner Creativity.
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Is your child constantly asking to watch television or play with electronic devices? Are they overly sleepy, whiny, and/or bored? Perhaps they need a nudge in the right direction. Perhaps they need a few tools to help develop their creativity. One way to help is to provide them with different crafts.
Creativity often starts by providing your child with a few basic supplies such as crayons, pens, markers, paint sets, coloring books, and other drawing and painting supplies.
Oftentimes, when children have craft supplies within their reach, they are automatically drawn to them.
Setting aside an hour or two to spend time with your child also encourages creativity. Children feel more confident with a parent by their side. It sends a message that you are interested in their world. It’s always best if you are at their level, so sit down on the ground and provide the space where you don’t have to worry about the mess.
When children have craft supplies within their reach, they are usually automatically drawn to them. This is especially true when they are outdoors. Therefore provide your children space where they can be messy and offer them items such as Play-Doh, bubbles, and sidewalk chalk.
Holidays are always perfect for holiday crafts. Supplies such as construction paper, scissors, and glue, stickers, pipe cleaners. In addition, popsicle sticks, and foam, and felt shapes always good to keep on hand.
Girls are particularly fond of sand art, hair bow and jewelry making kits, weaving, paint by numbers, face painting and bead kits.
Boys are particularly fond of Lego building toys, painting models, drawing, and Shrinky Dink kids.
In order to encourage your child’s creativity, it’s always wise to display what they create. In our home, my husband and I have a large bulletin board in our kitchen where we display artwork that our grandchildren have made for us. I notice that they proudly look at what they have created every time they come to visit. At times, they have even mentioned that their abilities have improved as they’ve grown.
We always try to keep a few kid’s craft books lying around for them, because many times, they prefer a fun craft project over watching a movie or playing a game.
Exercising imagination and creativity aids children with their problem-solving techniques, as well as gives them a sense of accomplishment and pride.
Don’t you think it’s time to help your child channel their inner creativity? Who knows? You might even have a budding Michelangelo living in your home!
Have fun!
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Gwynn Torres says
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