Last week I share with you how we finished our sun room walls by using pallets. We have also finished the ceiling. Below is a photo of the outside of our sun room. It’s a great addition to our home.
Here is a picture of the inside of the sun room when we bought our house.
Here is a picture with the walls finished. As you can see, HUGE improvement! But the ceiling still needed something.
Here is another shot of the unfinished ceiling. It really wasn’t so bad, except for the giant white square in the middle. We had discussed just painting the ceiling all black, or all white. In the end we decided a somewhat weathered tin ceiling would really tie the whole room together to give it the rustic feel we were going for.
We looked online and discovered that if we were to buy all new corrugated tin from a store it would cost us around $200 for a 12 x 20 foot room! That was over budget by about $150.
We live in a rural area. That means that there are a ton (like literally thousands) of old barns and sheds in our county. Some are in awesome condition but most are half way falling down. Every time we drove past one my husband would say, “Look at all the awesome tin on that shed! That would be perfect for our sun room!”
Since there was so much all around us we tried posting a “Wanting to Buy” message on an area Facebook page, to see if we could buy some for a cheaper price. No luck. No one wanted to get rid of their old falling apart sheds.
One day we were driving out to Seth’s parent’s house (in the middle of the country). After we passed about six sheds with beautifully weathered tin, we passed the neighbor’s house. They had the most beautiful tin on a shed that was falling down. The roof was already laying all over the ground around this shed. Seth decided to ask this neighbor if we could buy the tin from this shed. The neighbor was very kind and let us have for free!
The only thing we actually ended up buying (other than nails) was this ceiling fan.
Which meant that finished this entire sun room for less than $100!!!!! This sun room is perfect for early morning coffee, homeschooling on beautiful days, listening to a storm, hiding from your kids while you eat a snickers and just take 5 minutes to yourself, and reading a great book!
If your going to spend a lot of time in a room, you might as well make it beautiful!
Check out my post on how we put pallets on the sun room walls!
Tab says
Blessed Beyond Crazy says
Susan says
Blessed Beyond Crazy says